University Appointment

Full Professor of Biochemistry and Cancer Sciences
National University Council (CNU): Pharmacy - section 82 , specialty : Biochemistry
Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) - Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty member in the Teaching Department: Basic and Clinical Biological Sciences
Teaching duty : > 200 h/year
Teaching responsibilities :
- Former Referent teacher for the “Professional Bachelor of Science in Biotechnologies” university degree (2017-2021)
(Responsable pédagogique de la Licence 3 Professionnelle Bio-industries - Biotechnologies)
- Referent teacher for several university courses
(Responsable d’Unités d’Enseignement)
Cell Biology (L2 Biotech), Protein Engineering (practical session-Master1 Biotech), Serum Glucose
Quantitation (practical session-Pharma L3), Basics in Cell Biology and Biochemistry (L3 pro)
Teaching Topics: cell and cancer biology, general and clinical biochemistry, biotechnologies,...
Audiences: Pharmacy students, Master students, Hospital medical residents, Paramedical students...