I could not dream bigger ! Thank you to the jury, and attendees for their interest in our work.
Big promises for the clinical future of LIBS elemental imaging.
From the hands of Professor Chrit Moonen, the Young Investigator Award 2015 was presented to:
Benoit Busser from Villeurbanne for his work on "Elemental imaging by Laser spectrometry: new perspectives for medical applications"
This year a record of altogether 364 abstracts thereof 125 Young Investigator Award applications were submitted. Thereof 50 were shortlisted and their talks evaluated within the respective Parallel Sessions. The evaluation criterias were: the pre-score given by the reviewers, the scientific quality of the talk, innovation of work, quality of presentation, and the ability to answer requests. Within the Closing Ceremony the three best evaluated Young Investigator Award applicants presented their talks. Benoit Busser was the 2015 YIA awardee at EMIM 2015 (European Molecular Imaging Meeting), in Tubingen, Germany.
It was an amazing scientific time in Tubingen. Great EMIM 2015 congress ! Thank you to the esmi-office for the tremendous work.